Haley Simpson

[She / Her / Hers]

Attn: Haley Simpson, FCURP


1911 S. Indiana, 6th Floor #606

Chicago, IL 60616

Educational/Professional Background

Haley Simpson received her bachelor’s degree in social work from the University of Illinois Champaign- Urbana and her Master’s degree in social work from the Brown School of Social Work at Washington University in Saint Louis. She also earned her clinical license while focusing on trauma treatment for biological parents, children and youth within the child welfare system. Ms. Simpson served as supervisor of the High-Fidelity Wraparound Program assisting family reunification and the HALO (Healing and Loving Oneself) program for youth at risk or involved in trafficking. Ms. Simpson has experience implementing Quality Improvement initiatives and conducting Utilization Reviews of cases to ensure clients are receiving quality care.

Research/Practice Interests

Since joining FCURP Haley Simpson has enjoyed the opportunity to focus on strengthening child welfare practice to improve outcomes for children and families. With her clinical background, Ms. Simpson takes a special interest in mental, emotional, and behavioral needs of children in child welfare. As being a part of developing and growing the HALO program, she is particularly passionate about the youth most vulnerable to trafficking. Ms. Simpson also takes interest in utilizing research methods to improve equity among organizations. She was able to practice these skills as a founding member of her agency’s Diversity Equity and Inclusion Committee. Overall, Ms. Simpson is passionate about research-informed practice and practice-informed research to achieve successful outcomes for families.